Heavy Barbell Squat
The king-daddy of all the exercises, the barbell squat works the entire body, but obviously really focuses on the legs. This is one of those exercises you can benefit from doing either higher rep ranges for muscle endurance or heavy weights for power, and obviously we want the latter for this exercise. For power it’s good to go with a medium rep range of 5-8 reps and maximum weights. If you can’t do squats it’s a real shame, but you can do leg presses…they typically aren’t as effective, but you can work with heavy weights and good tempo.
Jump Squats
The jump squat is a plyometric exercise, and plyometrics are one of the best ways to develop speed and explosiveness. Try to get as much height on your jump squats as you can. This exercise can be hard on the knees and ankles, it’s can be easy to injure yourself if you are not careful when you are performing jump squats. Increase the effectiveness by stretching your arms high as possible above your head. These should can performed without weight or with very light weight (in the form of a weighted vest or ankle weights, etc).
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